Season 4 begins today with another phenomenal guest, Sharon Pratt, a whole vibe all by herself!
Approximately one year ago, my now husband, Danny Housier, planted the seed of the podcasting possibility and Rakiya Moore watered it. I knew what podcasts were, had been following several in fact; however, I never imagined that I would ever be guest appearing on anyone’s podcast, let along hosting one of my own. While I wasn’t sure about dipping my toes into the waters Danny and Rakiya believed that I could, so I believed I could. And like the bracelet I wear on my left wrist all the time says, “She believed she could, so she did!” Women’s Health, Wisdom, and… WINE! has been an awesome blessing! For the last year, this podcast has enabled me to meet some of the dopest practitioners, healers, clinicians, wellness professionals, and patients. While some of them I knew before the pod began, the show has helped me get to know a whole bunch of people that I didn’t know before and I am super blessed to know them now. What a difference a year makes!
Utilizing this podcast as a vehicle, I have found my literal and figurative voice. In a country whose healthcare system falls woefully short of addressing the needs of “the least of these”, namely Black women and their children, my aim is to not only upset the apple cart by revolutionizing the industry one healing experience at a time and creating a women’s health oasis, fertile ground in a barren land…but to be a disruptor… one who has reimagined what comprehensive integrative reproductive medicine and women’s healthcare could and should be. The Eudaimonia Center forms a synergistic flow between conventional medicine and traditional medicine modalities so the care women receive is not only transformative, it’s also… restorative.
April is a month full of awareness observances. As such we’re going to start off Season 4 talking about some of the lesser known aspects of women’s health that we need to pay attention to but oftentimes get overshadowed by better funded initiatives. As such, this month we will discuss sexually transmitted infections, sexual assault prevention, fertility awareness (instead of INFERTILITY awareness), and the state of black maternal health.
Thank you to everyone who listens to this podcast every week! Onward and upward. . .