• 5457 Twin Knolls Rd. Suite #300
    Columbia, MD 21045
  • Call Us
    443. 979.7550
  • Open Hours
    Monday - Friday: 7:00AM - 6:00PM (by appointment)


Thai Yoga Massage

Thai Yoga Bodywork is assisted yoga and consists mainly of stretching and pressing all parts of the body. It is a form of massage and energy work using conscious touch, stretches, range of motion, and other techniques, done more gently, to affect the whole energy and nervous system to relieve pain and restore balance.  It is safe and effective for the majority of people, from strong athletes to frail or elderly clients.  Clients usually leave pain-free, or greatly reduced, with a pervasive sense of well-being. 

The bodywork is nuanced with more going on than just stretching and pressing.  effective deep tissue work comes from how and where the pressure is applied rather than the amount of pressure. Effective deep tissue work comes from working smarter not harder. What you experience as ‘deep’, ‘satisfying’, and ‘effective’ does not come from pressing harder but from making a deep connection.  Deep connection comes from the whole manner of the therapist’s wor: using intention, using the principles of the Goldilocks touch, conscious breathing, and meditating.  The deep effect comes from always working with the whole body, doing a flowing rhythmic dance that engages the whole body, opening all the energy meridians, and completing the natural circle of energy flow.

Raindrop Therapy

Did you know that your spine holds toxins?

The Raindrop Technique®a non-invasive therapy, uses a sequence of essential oils dispensed from a bottle as small, rain-like drops approximately six inches above the back. This technique, designed to stimulate every organ, muscle, and bone of the body at a cellular level through the essential oils, supports the immune system, brings the body into structural and electrical balance, and facilitates the release of toxins (or disease) wherever they may be lodged — including illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions.

How can a Raindrop Therapy® session help you? Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Balances and re-aligns the energy centers of the body – The combination of techniques brings electrical and structural alignment to the body. Think: ‘chiropractor in the bottle’.

  • Employs no manipulative techniques – No manipulation (as in chiropractic) is performed. The oils help support the body to come back into harmony by opening every flow throughout the body.

  • Reduces stress and minor anxiety – Not only can the oils enhance positive emotions such as joy and happiness, but they can also help us release negative emotions that are subconsciously stored on a cellular level.

  • Aids the body’s natural response to inflammation and injury – Thyme and oregano are strong antioxidants that support the immune, respiratory, nervous, and other body systems.

  • Eases muscle discomfort after exercise – Muscles that are tense and in minor discomfort due to exercise will also benefit. Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress and Peppermint essential oils reduce tension.

  • Supports healthy immune system – Thyme and Oregano essential oils support a healthy immune system.

  • Emotional well-being and release – Affects the limbic system where emotions are stored in the brain’s “emotional center”.

  • Helps detoxify the body systems – The oils that are high in phenols cleanse cellular receptor sites and enhance cleansing of the body.

Reiki Healing

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing practice, not affiliated with any religion, re-discovered by the honorable Dr. Mikao Usui. In the West, Reiki is best described as a healing technique used to channel energy into the body means of touch, to activate its’ natural healing processes and restore physical and emotional well-being.

The word Reiki, is a fusion of the two Japanese words Rei and Ki. Rei meaning divine or higher intelligence; and Ki meaning universal life force energy. Therefore, Reiki can be defined as divine conscious life force energy. 

Please note that Reiki is not the same as simple life force energy (Ki). Reiki is conscious energy guided by the Divine. It cannot be influenced, misused, or limited by the practitioner. Whereas Ki, (simple life force energy) can be influenced, and is subject to the intention, limitations, and abilities of the practitioner. This means that no matter the circumstance, a certified Reiki practitioner will always provide safe and effective healing to the areas of the body that need it most.

Benefits of Reiki
DISCLAIMER: REIKI IS NOT A CURE FOR DISEASE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN THE PLACE OF MEDICAL TREATMENT, INSTEAD AS A COMPLIMENT. Most clients receive Reiki for wellness purposes. It is a great tool for relaxation and stress reduction. While Reiki is not a cure for disease it may assist the body in “jumpstarting” its natural healing processes via the restoration of Ki in the body. 

Benefits of Reiki include but are not limited to:

  • General increase in wellness/mood
  • Mental/Emotional release/clarity
  • Increased awareness of self
  • Intense relaxation
  • Stress reduction
  • Acute pain relief